Free Consultation

Free Case Evaluation

Let’s Talk!

If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, you probably have a lot of questions.
We can answer them for free.

Sit down today with an experienced criminal attorney and get an honest evaluation of your case based on the facts you provide.  We will explain the nature of your charges, the elements the prosecution needs to prove, the court procedure that governs your case, what to expect while the case moves through the system, and all the possible defenses you can use in court.  You will get a strategic breakdown of all possible defenses and an honest assessment of your chances of getting a good result in your case.

The purpose of the evaluation is not to sell our services.  It is meant to give you information and an evaluation of the case based on the facts your provide.  While we would be happy to represent you in your case, our goal during the evaluation is to get you informed.  Common questions we answer are…

What is the probable outcome of my case?

Every case is different. The only way we can offer you a meaningful opinion on the probable outcome of your situation is if you discuss your case thoroughly with us.  Our conversation is confidential.  If you tell us the facts, we can give you an evaluation and prediction on what we believe is the prudent course of action.

What are my legal defenses?

You will get a detailed defense plan for your case.  Our plan will include an analysis of the law, procedure, and practical considerations that may come into play and how they will effect your defense.

What court proceedings are involved in my case?

You will get a detailed explanation of court procedure, from first court appearance to resolution of the case.  We will demystify legal procedure so you understand exactly what you will be facing during the duration of your case.

What are my civil rights when confronted by a police officer?

You will get an explanation of your civil rights when dealing with the police and other authority figures.  We will explain to you how the United States Constitution protects you from unreasonable searches and seizures and how you can use those protections to defend yourself in both your current case and future contact with authority figures.

I have several questions, can I ask them all?

Yes.  Please ask as many questions as you want about your current situation.  We are there to help you gather the necessary information so you can achieve the best result in your case.

Is it confidential?

Yes. We are providing legal counsel and advice.  In order for you to be candid, it is essential that we keep the meeting 100% confidential.

How much does this cost again?

The case evaluation is absolutely FREE.

Request A Free Consultation

Scott Hullinger, Esq.

Criminal and Civil Attorney