We represent victims of Motor vehicle accidents, including San Diego car accidents, San Diego truck accidents, San Diego motorcycle accidents, San Diego tractor trailor accidents. We represent San Diego pedestrians and bicyclists involved and severely injured from the negligence of a motorist.
We are aggressive and experienced San Diego Personal Injury Attorneys that know the vehicle code and use our knowledge and trial experience to our client’s advantage. We apply the vehicle code to the facts to establish liability on the insurance company and their insured.
We know the science behind traumatic brain injury, concussions, fractured and broken sternums, hips and limbs because we’ve litigated these cases. We know how to take a stand against insurance companies that will stop at nothing to discourage and demean your character so they can close their case. You don’t have to take this abuse. Stand up for your rights now!
We know you have abundant options in San Diego for personal injury representation. Why settle for a paralegal that will be your only point of contact when you can have a dedicated team specializing in getting you back to the normalcy of your life while fighting the insurance company’s stoic indifference. We are available at all hours for our clients.
We have successfully handled countless serious personal injury cases and have won significant awards for our clients. We’ve battled insurance company tactics and take them head on so you can concentrate on the important things like recovery and healing. Don’t wait, contact us now for a free consultation because even the smallest injuries can last a lifetime.