Food & Ag C § Food & Ag C § | Description of Crime |
*12996 | Willful environment environment Violation of Provisions Regarding Pesticides Creating Hazard to Health or Environment |
17551 | Alter Brand of Animal w/Intent to Steal |
*18841 | Slaughter Livestock/Poultry w/o Compliance w/Inspection Act wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18842 | Sale or Transport Meat w/o Inspection wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18843 | Alteration/Misbrand Meat/Poultry wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18844 | Sale or Transport Uncleaned Slaughtered Poultry wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18845 | Violate Director of Agriculture’s Regulations wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18846 | Counterfeit Official Mark/Certificate Under Meat/Poultry Act wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18847 | Forge Official Marks/Acts Under Meat/Poultry Inspection Act wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18848 | Sell Prepared Meat/Poultry w/o Inspection Stamp wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18849 | Sell/Transport Improperly Labeled Carcass wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18850 | Sell/Transport Livestock Product Not Marked Not Human Food wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18851 | Sale of Dead/Diseased Animals wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18852 | Bribery of State Meat/Poultry Inspectors wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18853 | State Meat/Poultry Inspector Receiving Bribe wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18854 | Interfere w/Inspector Performing Duty wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18855 | Disobey Subpena/Lawful Order of Director of Agriculture wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18856 | False Statements/Reports Under Meat/Poultry Inspection Law wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18857 | Tardy File of Meat/Poultry Report Under Inspection Law wit Defraud or w/pc |
*18933 | Adulteration of Meat/Poultry Intended as Human Food |
*19440 | Violation of Provisions Regarding Horsemeat/Pet Foods wit Defraud or w/pc |
*19441 | Adulteration of Human Food w/Horsemeat or Other Pet Foods |
*80174 | Willful Violation of Provisions Regarding Desert Native Plants w/pc |