San Diego Drug Crimes Lawyer

Drug Crimes Attorney in San Diego

Being arrested and charged with possession, under the influence or intent to distribute any drug in San Diego is a serious allegation. If you or a loved one has been charged with a drug crime, you need an experienced law firm to assist, prepare and defend your rights. San Diego’s law enforcement, prosecution and courts punish drug crime offenders severely.

Our San Diego drug defense lawyers successfully defend those accused of:

  • Possession of Controlled Substance – H&S Section 11350
  • Possession/Purchase for Sale of Controlled Substance – H&S Section 11351
  • Sale/Transportation of Controlled Substance – H&S Section 11352
  • Possession of Drug Paraphernalia – H&S Section 11364
  • Under the Influence of a Controlled Substance – H&S Section 11550

Our experienced team of lawyers will help you prepare a solid defense strategy, including: gathering facts, re-testing substances and exploring alternatives to sentencing like PC § 1000 or Proposition 36. Contact us today at 619-649-2424 and talk with an experienced San Diego Drug Attorney.

San Diego Criminal Defense Law Firm

Our attorneys have successfully negotiated reduced or dropped drug charges for San Diego defendants facing jail and prison time. We work tirelessly to find legal and factual weaknesses with the San Diego District Attorney’s Office or City Attorney’s case. Officers are not infallible. They can and do make mistakes. Oftentimes these mistakes can mean the difference between a conviction and an acquittal. Don’t let the system run you over. Hire competent and experienced counsel for your San Diego drug charge.

We defend criminal charges at all San Diego County Courthouses, including:

Depending on the amount of drug found and its classification your penalties could be severe. If you are charged with a large amount, you’ll be charged with intent to distribute the drug. It’s imperative that if you are being investigated for any drug crime, you contact our office at 619-708-2073 and seek the help of experienced San Diego Drug Offense lawyers immediately.