About Felony Offenses in California, Definition, Types & Punishment
About Felony Charges
Felony Offenses are California’s most serious offenses. A conviction carries a possibility of a year or more in prison, and sometimes life in prison. Other penalties include fines, victim restitution, court-ordered rehabilitation and Criminal Offender Registration (ie Arsonist, Narcotics Offender and/or Sex Offender registration).
Court proceedings start when either a San Diego Grand Jury Issues An Indictment, or, more commonly, the San Diego District Attorney files a Felony Complaint in one of San Diego’s Criminal Courts.
Felony Offense
(a) A felony is a crime that is punishable with death, by imprisonment in the state prison, or notwithstanding any other provision of law, by imprisonment in a county jail under the provisions of subdivision (h) of Section 1170. (California Penal Code 17(a)).
Why Our Firm?
On all criminal cases we offer a Free initial consultation. This is your chance to gain candid advice on potential outcomes and implications of your criminal charge. You will meet with our attorneys, go over the facts of your case, relevant law and San Diego procedures. You will leave with a checklist of items we feel will take your case to a successful outcome.