California Health & Safety Code Felonies
H & S C § | Description of Crime |
*1390 | Willful Violation of Health Care Services Provisions |
*1621.5 | Donation of Blood Organs, Tissue, or Semen by Person Knowing He/She Has AIDS |
7051 | Unlawful Removal of Human Remains For Sale or to Dissect |
7052 | Unauthorized Removal, Mutilation, or Sexual Penetration of Human Remains |
*11100 | Transferring CS w/Out Reporting or Filing False Report w/pc |
*11100.1 | Failing to Report Receipt of CS w/pc |
11104(a) | Transfer of Substance w/Knowledge of Intent to Manufacture CS |
*11105 | Knowingly Making False Statement on Report of Drug Activity |
*11105 | Violation of Section w/pc |
*11106 | Transferring CS w/o Permit |
*11153 | Issuing Prescription to Addict/Habitual User of CS |
*11153.5 | Wholesaler Knowingly Furnishing CS Not for Medical Purposes |
*11162.5 | Counterfeiting Official Prescription Blank |
*11162.5 | Possession of Four or More Counterfeit Prescription Blanks |
11350(a) | Possession of CS |
*11350(b) | Possession of CS Specified in §11054(e) |
11351 | Possession of CS For Sale |
11351.5 | Possession For Sale of Cocaine |
11352(a) | Sale/Transportation of CS |
11352(b) | Transportation For Sale of CS Between Noncontiguous Counties |
11353 | Adult Inducing Minor’s Involvement w/CS |
11353.5 |
Sale by Adult to Minor of CS at school, public playground, church, synagogue, or
Child Day Care Center
11353.7 | Sale by Adult to Minor of CS in Public Park |
11354 | Minor Inducing Minor’s Involvement w/CS |
*11355 | Selling/Furnishing Substance Falsely Represented to be CS |
*11357(a) | Possession of Concentrated Cannabis |
11358 | Cultivating/Harvesting/Processing Marijuana |
11359 | Possession of Marijuana For Sale |
11360(a) | Sale or Transportation of Marijuana |
11361(a) | Adult Involving Minor Under 14 w/Marijuana |
11361(b) | Adult Involving Minor 14 or Over w/Marijuana |
*11363 | Cultivating/Harvesting/Processing Peyote |
*11364.7(b) | Manufacturing Drug Paraphernalia |
*11366 | Maintaining Place for Selling/Using CS |
*11366.5(a) | Managing Place for Manufacture, Storage, or Distribution of CS |
11366.5(b) | Managing Place For CS and Knowingly Allowing it to be Fortified Against Police |
11366.5(c) | Violation of Health & S C §11366.5(a) w/Prior Conviction |
11366.6 | Use of Fortified Place to Sell or Manufacture CS |
*11366.7 | Sale of Chemical, Drug, or Lab Equip for Unlawful Use |
*11366.8(a) | Possession, Use, or Control of False Compartment to Store, Smuggle, or Transport CS |
11366.8(b) | Construction or Installation of False Compartment to Store, Smuggle, or Transport CS |
*11368 | Forgery/Alter Prescription of Any Narcotic Drug |
11370.1 | Possession of CS While in Possession of Loaded Firearm |
*11370.6 | Possession of Funds Over $100,000 to Purchase CS |
*11370.9 | Receive, Transfer, Invest, or Manage Funds Over $25,000 Derived From CS Offenses |
*11371 | Violate/Solicit Minor to Violate CS Prescription Laws |
*11371.1 | Violate/Induce Minor to Violate CS laws |
*11374.5 | Unlawful Disposal of Hazardous Substance Used in Manufacturing CS |
*11375(b)(1) | Possession for Sale of Designated CS |
*11377 | Possession of Non-Narcotic CS |
11378 | Possession of Non-Narcotic CS For Sale |
11378.5 | Possession of PCP For Sale |
11379(a) | Sale or Transportation of Non-Narcotic CS |
11379(b) | Transportation For Sale of Non-Narcotic CS Between Noncontiguous Counties |
*11379.2 | Sale or Possession For Sale of CS Specified in §11056(g) |
11379.5 | Sale or Transportation of PCP |
11379.5(b) | Transportation For Sale of PCP Between Noncontiguous Counties |
11379.6(a) | Manufacturing CS |
11379.6(c) | Offering to Manufacture CS |
11380 | Adult inducing Minor’s Involvement w/Non-Narcotic CS |
*11382 | Selling or Furnishing Substance Falsely Represented to be CS |
11383(a) | Possession of Materials wit Manufacture PCP |
11383(b) | Possession of Isomers of PCP wit Manufacture PCP |
11383(c) | Possession of Materials wit Manufacture PCP |
11383(d) | Possession of Immediate Precursors wit Manufacture PCP |
11383.5(a) | Possession of Materials wit Manufacture Methamphetamine |
11383.5(b)(1) | Possession of Isomers of Methamphetamine wit Manufacture Methamphetamine |
11383.5(b)(2) | Possession of Hydriodic Acid or Reducing Agent |
11383.5(c) | Possession of Isomers of Methamphetamine wit Manufacture Methamphetamine |
11383.5(d) | Possession of Immediate Precursors wit Manufacture Methamphetamine |
11383.5(e) |
Possession of Chemicals Sufficient to Manufacture Hydriodic Acid or Reducing Agent wit Manufacture Methamphetamine
11383.5(f) | Possession of Materials wit Manufacture Methamphetamine |
11383.6(a) |
Possession of Materials wit Sell or Furnish Materials to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture PCP
11383.6(b) |
Possession of Isomers of PCP wit Sell or Furnish Materials to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture PCP
11383.6(c) |
Possession of Materials wit Sell or Furnish Materials to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture PCP
11383.6(d) |
Possession of Immediate Precursors wit Sell or Furnish to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture PCP
11383.7(a) |
Possession of Material wit Sell or Furnish Materials to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture Methamphetamine
11383.7(b)(1) |
Possession of Isomers of Methamphetamine wit Sell or Furnish to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture Methamphetamine
11383.7(b)(2) |
Possession of Hydriodic Acid or Reducing Agent wit Sell or Furnish to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture Methamphetamine
11383.7(c) |
Possession of Isomers of Methamphetamine wit Sell or Furnish to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture Methamphetamin
11383.7(d) |
Possession of Materials wit Sell or Furnish Materials to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture Methamphetamine
11383.7(e) |
Possession of Chemicals Sufficient to Manufacture Hydriodic Acid or Reducing Agent wit Sell or Furnish Materials to Another w/Knowledge That They Will be Used to Manufacture Methamphetamine
11383.7(f) |
Possession of Materials wit Sell or Furnish Materials to Another w/Knowledge That They will be Used to Manufacture Methamphetamine
*11390 | Cultivating Mushrooms for CS |
*11391 | Sale or Transportation of Mushrooms for CS |
*11550(e) | Under Influence of CS While in Possession of Loaded Firearm |
11550(f) | Second or Subsequent Conviction of §11550(e) |
*12305 | Unlawful Possession of Explosive |
*12401 | Felony Explosives Violations |
*12700(b) | Unlawful Possession of 100 lbs or More of Fireworks |
*18124.5 | Fraudulent Alteration of Title to Mobilehome |
25180.7 | Knowing Failure to Disclose Information Regarding Illegal Discharge of Hazardous Waste |
*25189.5(b) | Knowing Disposal of Hazardous Waste at Unauthorized Site |
*25189.5(c) | Transport of Hazardous Waste to Unauthorized Plant |
*25189.5(d) | Treatment or Storage of Hazardous Waste at Unauthorized Facility |
*25189.6(a) | Treatment, Transport, Disposal, or Storage of Hazardous Waste That Causes Unreasonable Risk of Fire, Explosion, or Serious Injury |
25189.6(b) | Violation of §25189.6(a) That Places Person in Imminent Danger of Serious Harm or Death |
*25189.7(b) | Burning Hazardous Waste at Unauthorized Facility |
*25190 | Violation of Hazardous Waste Disposal Regulations w/pc |
*25191(a) | Illegal Transport of Hazardous Waste w/pc |
*25515 | Failure to Report Release of Hazardous Waste w/pc |
*44209 | Falsifying Vehicle Emissions Test Report |
*100895 | Falsifying Statements in Reports Regarding Regulation of Environmental Laboratories w/pc |
103800 | Willful Filing of False Birth Certificate |
*115215(b)(1) | Unauthorized Disposal of Radioactive Material Causing Substantial Danger to Public Health or Safety |
*115215(b)(2) | Unauthorized Disposal of Radioactive Material Causing GBI or Substantial Probability of Death |
*116730 | Falsifying Statements in Reports Regarding Regulation of Public Water Systems w/pc |
116750(a) | Tampering With Public Water System |
116750(b) | Threatening to Tamper With Public Water System |
*118340(a) | Unauthorized Treatment, Transport, Storage, or Disposal of Medical Waste w/pc |
*118340(d) | Knowing Unauthorized Treatment or Disposal of Medical Waste |
*120291(a) | Willfully Infecting Another With HIV by Engaging in Unprotected Sex |