Miscellaneous Ban On Firearms
State and Federal law makes it unlawful to own or possess a firearm in certain situations. Below is a list of those miscellaneous situations. You can get more information by visiting our main page How to Restore Your Gun Rights.
- Any person who is convicted of a felony, or any offense enumerated in Penal Code sections 29900 or 29905
- Any person who is ordered to not possess firearms as a condition of probation or other court order listed in Penal Code section 29815, subdivisions (a) and (b)
- Any person who is convicted of a misdemeanor listed in Penal Code section 29805 (refer to List of Prohibiting Misdemeanors)
- Any person who is adjudged a ward of the juvenile court because he or she committed an offense listed in Welfare and Institutions Code section 707(b), an offense described in Penal Code section 1203.073(b), or any offense enumerated in Penal Code section 29805
- Any person who is subject to a temporary restraining order or an injunction issued pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure sections 527.6 or 527.8, a protective order as defined in Family Code section 6218, a protective order issued pursuant to Penal Code sections 136.2 or 646.91, or a protective order issued pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code section 15657.03
- Any person who is found by a court to be a danger to himself, herself, or others because of a mental illness • Any person who is found by a court to be mentally incompetent to stand trial
- Any person who is found by a court to be not guilty by reason of insanity
- Any person who is adjudicated to be a mentally disordered sex offender
- Any person who is placed on a conservatorship because he or she is gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder, or an impairment by chronic alcoholism
- Any person who communicates a threat to a licensed psychotherapist against a reasonably identifiable victim, that has been reported by the psychotherapist to law enforcement
- Any person who is taken into custody as a danger to self or others under Welfare and Institutions Code section 5150, assessed under Welfare and Institutions Code section 5151, and admitted to a mental health facility under Welfare and Institutions Code sections 5151, 5152, or certified under Welfare and Institutions Code sections 5250, 5260, and 5270.15
- Any person who is addicted to the use of narcotics (state and federal)
- Any person who is under indictment or information in any court for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year (federal)
- Any person who has been discharged from the military under dishonourable conditions (federal)
- Any person who is an illegal alien (federal)
- Any person who has renounced his or her US Citizenship (federal)
- Any person who is a fugitive from justice (federal)
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Scott Hullinger, Esq.
Criminal and Civil Attorney