San Diego Attorney Describes DUI Evidence

If you are charged with a DUI, the prosecution will likely be armed with the following evidence:
- Driving Symptoms: usually, there is where the officer notices the defendant running light, bottoming out on a dip or swerving from lane to lane
- Field Sobriety Tests (FSTs): notes and statements accompanying tests officer(s) asked defendant to perform
- Preliminary Alcohol Screening Devices: alcohol test done at the scene
- Your Statements: anything you’ve said
- Other Witness Statements: if your passengers or other witnesses said anything
- Chemical Tests: when you are arrested and taken to the station, either a breath test, blood test or in some situations, a urine test will be taken.
We are equipped to handle any DUI Case and review and analyse any piece of DUI evidence. Get an attorney who knows the evidence of DUI.
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If you are charged with a Traffic Misdemeanor or DUI, hire San Diego’s best traffic law firm. We can help you get a great result on your case. To learn more about our procedures and how we can represent you, call us at 619-708-2073 or email
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Scott Hullinger, Esq.
Criminal and Civil Attorney