Help Center

About Criminal Law

Thank you for visiting our Help Center. The key to success in criminal litigation is knowledge. That is why we offer this free content to help those accused of crimes arm themselves with the knowledge necessary to understand the legal process and the procedure of criminal law. This content is written by our attorneys. We are criminal lawyers who litigate criminal cases everyday in San Diego courts and courts all over Southern California. We have designed our Help Center to be organized, concise, and current. We take pride in providing understandable and accurate answers to the accused’s most pressing questions. The final product is the result of collaboration of our attorneys’ knowledge, experience, research and expertise in criminal law. If you or a loved one is accused of a crime, start here, in our Help Center, to find the answers you need. We are here to help. If you have a question about our criminal defense services or how we can help you, feel free to call our office at 619-452-2539 or email us at